According to the CPJ, at least 167 journalists and media workers have been confirmed dead as of March 28, including 158 Palestinians, 3 Israelis, and 6 Lebanese.
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The aberrant and the abhorrent became the norm in 2024, compelling us to face the ugly reality that media freedom, justice and the sanctity of civilian life have been eroded, even in ostensibly democratic societies.
The death toll among journalists in Gaza was staggering, almost incomprehensible. Data compiled for Killing the Messenger by the Cardiff School of Journalism showed that 81 of the 145 journalists who died around the world were from Gaza.
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This is the part where I tell you how well we’ve done this year as an organization— supporting journalists, protecting them, making a difference.
Except we haven’t done that well at all. We have certainly tried, but we have also definitely failed. We all have. Gaza is where the buck stops, and where our words, our outrage, and our strategies have met a wall of indifference and impotence.
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The Annual General Meeting of the International News Safety Institute (INSI) will take place online on 11 December 2024, at 12pm.
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Adventure travel programming takes television crews to some of the most extreme, remote and challenging environments on Earth. Seasoned documentary producer & director Frederick Martin told INSI about his exhilarating, but challenging, filming trip through the Congolese rainforest..
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Big speeches about the importance of journalism will be made today by the very political leaders who are not delivering on the commitments they made on World Press freedom day a year ago. It’s time to call their bluff, starting from Gaza, writes INSI Director Elena Cosentino.
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News organisations are increasingly turning to high-risk advisors to accompany news teams on dangerous assignments, but what is actually required of them? And how do you pick the right match for your journalists and your deployment?
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Fran Unsworth has been appointed as the new chair of the International News Safety Institute (INSI).
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Cilla Benkö, Director General of Swedish Radio, Vice President of the EBU and INSI board member, marks the ten years since Swedish Radio foreign correspondent Nils Horner was killed in Kabul.
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Every day since October 7, AFP's team of journalists in Gaza have been risking their lives to cover a war that has shaken the world. They have all had to flee their homes, working without respite in the shadow of death in a territory they are not allowed to leave.
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