International News Safety Institute

05 July 2024  |  CPJ

Saadi Madoukh


Saadi Madoukh Killed in Gaza

Cause of death

Other non-natural


Madoukh, a Palestinian journalist and freelance camera operator for outlets including Al Jazeera and the Turkish state broadcaster TRT, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Al Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City, according to news reports, the Beirut-based press freedom group SKeyes, the Palestinian press freedom group MADA, and the International Federation of Journalists.

Madoukh was also the founder and CEO of Deep Shot media production company, according to his Facebook profile. Its last project was a video for a song by Sol Band recorded in Gaza during the war about the deaths of Palestinian children. Adeeb Sukkar, another media worker who produced the graphics for the video, was injured in the strike that killed Madoukh.

Madoukh post extensively on Facebook, mostly venting about the war in northern Gaza, where he remained. On June 21, he wrote “I don’t care about reaching goals, all I care about is for the war to end.” His last post, on the day of his death, read “Whatever you ask us, our answer will be ‘Thank God.’”

Read the original article here.

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