International News Safety Institute

14 February 2004

Antonio de la Torre Echeandia


Antonio de la Torre Echeandia

Cause of death

Knife attack


Antonio de la Torre Echeandía, a 43-year-old journalist for Radio Orbita in the city of Yungay, Ancash region, was assassinated while on his way home after attending a party. 

According to information obtained by IPYS, de la Torre Echeandía was stabbed by two individuals who intercepted him in the Pampac neighbourhood. Although mortally wounded, de la Torre Echeandía was able to return to the location where the party had taken place. The police and the journalist's family, who were immediately notified, took the journalist to hospital but he died in transmit. Before dying, he identified one of his attackers as an individual who is known by the alias "El Negro".

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