International News Safety Institute

Guardian - Security & Risk Management

In 2005, Norman Kristiansen founded Guardian-srm based on his more than 17 years in the Danish Special Operation Forces. He had experienced several situations where companies did not have the capability or resilience to manage unforeseen dangerous situations or crises that emerged when employees were travelling across the world. He created Guardian to solve this problem. In 2009, Jens Serup, who is an internationally recognised expert on travel security, crisis management, kidnap for ransom, extortion, and threat management, joined Guardian as a partner. In 2016 Norman and Jens partnered with Michael K. Sørensen, a successful entrepreneur. From his many years of corporate experience, Michael has gained a unique insight into emergency medical services, logistics, drone innovation, medical doctor services, public safety, security, defence intelligence, and IT solutions.

The three partners have now built an organisation with specialised and highly skilled experts to offer travel security and risk management solutions to support international actors and organisations operating in emerging markets and complex environments.

Guardian has its headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark, and operates a 24/7/365 Operations Centre staffed by security professionals in Kolding, Denmark. We provide security services and solutions for business travel in every scope  – ranging from individual freelancers to NGOs and multinational corporations with employees worldwide. Common for all our projects is that we adapt our solutions to suit the operational context of the client.

Deployment support:

  • Risk Assessments - Based on our experience, companies often use risk assessments as a tool before deciding about travelling to high-risk destinations or starting up operations in new countries. A risk assessment is a 5-page written report covering the risk landscape of specific countries, specific activities, facilities, locations, etc. and can be specified down to the region, city, or neighbourhood level. Our Risk Assessments are always tailored to the unique request by considering who is requesting, their activities, and what kind of work they will do. The Risk Assessments will often address the following risk categories: Crime, Travel and Transportation, Terrorism, Kidnapping, Conflict, Environmental Hazards, Cyber Threats and Communication, Health, and Civil Unrest, and will present actionable recommendations.
  • Pre-Travel Advice - The Pre-Travel Advisory Sessions is a risk-preventive service. This session is a 30-45-minute phone call or online meeting, where Guardian presents the relevant risks to the traveller and recommends risk-reducing measures. Pre-Travel Advisory Session provides a tailored assessment of the security risks present at any location and recommendations to mitigate security risks. Our risk advisory is always tailored to the unique request by considering who is requesting it and the activities they will be doing.
  • Situational Updates - We can provide Situational Updates on any security matter with the latest and most relevant information. Our Security Updates can be provided as either single updates or as a series of updates depending on your needs. Should your needs change as the security situation develops, we are able to adjust our updates so they are always aligned with your requirements.
  • Pre-Entry Reports - Our Pre-Entry Reports are designed to support organisations and businesses in safely and securely entering new markets. Regardless of whether the market is characterised by unstable political or security situations, our comprehensive analyses provide the necessary insight into the relevant risks as well as security recommendations to enable your operational success. Based on a thorough analysis, we provide recommendations and an overview of the cost and expenses related to implementing the necessary risk-mitigating security preparations. These reports are relevant for companies and organisations planning to enter and operate in markets characterised by a complex political environment or unstable security situations, where a review of the political and cultural context as well as relevant threat actors is needed.
  • Travel Security Policy - A travel security policy contains general strategies for the employees’ safety and determines guidelines for the company’s activities in challenging environments. Roles, responsibilities, and procedures are laid out for employees as well as management. A travel security policy adds awareness to the organisation and works both as a preventive tool and as a post-crisis instrument.
  • Executive Protection - Executive protection is a security service that focuses on safeguarding individuals who are at risk due to their high-profile status, occupation, or other factors. This service is primarily designed to mitigate threats, ensure safety, and maintain the privacy of the individual, typically an executive, dignitary, celebrity, or any person facing increased security concerns. Executive protection is not limited to physical security; it encompasses a comprehensive security approach that considers various aspects of the client’s safety, privacy, and well-being. The level of protection provided depends on the client’s specific needs and the assessed risks they face. At Guardian, we offer tailored services to executives. Give us a call for more information and advice.
  • Executive Journey Management - Guardian’s Journey Management program handles practical arrangements and security issues for individuals and groups worldwide, anytime. We assess unique risks and inconveniences before creating a tailored plan to meet client expectations. We ensure all involved parties understand their roles, especially in critical ground transportation. Our planning includes due diligence on vendors and stakeholders.
  • Family Office Support - Security is paramount in a Family Office for several compelling reasons. Firstly, it plays a central role in safeguarding the family’s substantial financial assets, shielding them from potential threats such as theft, fraud, or legal entanglements. Moreover, personal security goes beyond monetary concerns, encompassing the physical safety of family members and key individuals and preserving their privacy.
  • Residential Security - The value of Residential Security lies in providing a safe and secure environment for individuals and their families within their homes. It includes protection against potential threats such as break-ins, vandalism, or personal safety risks. Residential security enhances peace of mind, privacy, and overall quality of life by ensuring a safe living environment, safeguarding property, and deterring criminal activity. It allows residents to focus on their daily lives without undue worry, promoting a sense of well-being and tranquillity.
  • Technical Counter Surveillance Measures - Technical Surveillance Countermeasure (TSCM) is a highly specialised service used to inspect, detect, and clear a designated room for any possible eavesdropping devices, such as hidden microphones, covert cameras etc. This is more commonly known as “sweeping” for eavesdropping devices or “bugs”. Guardian conducts complete and systematic technical security countermeasure investigations of board rooms, offices, vehicles or private residences to locate possible surveillance devices. After having performed the inspection, our team can prepare a full report with their findings and recommendations.
  • Digital Surveillance & Investigations - Guardian’s team of open-source research experts offer vulnerability assessments, background checks, social media exposure surveillance and digital investigations. An online vulnerability analysis report provides the recipient with a detailed overview of a digital footprint and tailored recommendations for reducing or mitigating risks. Background checks can be conducted for various reasons.
  • Security Advisory - Having access to Security Advisory services, even outside of emergencies, is invaluable. It provides ongoing guidance and expertise for making well-informed decisions related to security, risk mitigation, and members’ safety, enhancing the overall protection and well-being of the assets and members.
  • Meet & Greet - Meet & Greet services enable companies to provide travellers with a trusted driver in a foreign country. Guardian can arrange a meet & greet anywhere in the world. The travellers are supported from the moment they arrive at the airport and for the entire duration of their stay. Our drivers have an excellent knowledge of the country and the savoir-faire to navigate challenging travel situations.
  • Worldwide Security Transportation - Guardian provides any means of land-based transportation to secure your travel. Whether your travel is domestic or abroad, whatever your requirement might be, Guardian can assist you in securing your transportation. Guardian offers airport pick-up services and saves you the trouble of searching for a reliable security chauffeur and safe vehicle when travelling to different destinations.
  • Local Assistance - Travelling in a new country or unfamiliar area can be a challenging experience, often diverting your employees’ attention from the work at hand. To help overcome this, we can help provide a local guide (or fixer) who can help you with everything from entering the country, acquiring the right visa, getting you to the places you want to go and supplementing you with the gear you need to solve your tasks. All of our fixers have extensive local knowledge, a strong local network, and speak the native language.
  • Crisis Management Policy - A Crisis Management Policy describes and outlines the organisation’s general attitude towards crises, including how you want to prevent, respond to, and recover from them. The policy will clarify the responsibilities of both the management and the employees by specifying standard operating procedures (SOPs) in case of an emergency or a crisis. If the company already has a Crisis Management Policy, Guardian can review, improve, or update it.
  • Crisis Management Review and Evaluation - In the event of a security incident or crisis, Guardian can undertake an after-action review of the plans and procedures to update them with valuable new information and lessons learned while also providing you with a thorough evaluation of how you handled the crisis. We can also support you with strategic and operational assistance during any crisis and perform a thorough evaluation of your handling of the crisis.
  • Crisis Advisory - At Guardian, we offer our clients comprehensive ad-hoc crisis consultancy services. Our competencies and expertise within the Crisis Management Department span the fields of business continuity management, crisis management, and risk management. Depending on your requirements, we can deploy one or more consultants to work within your organisation for short or extended periods. Our assistance may bring value during the initial stage of developing a crisis or business continuity management programme, whilst undergoing the implementation phase, or in between recruitment by filling vacant positions. The multidisciplinary backgrounds of our consultants allow us to work holistically on a strategic level, considering the various aspects and complexities of the challenges our clients face. Over the years, our consultants have played an integral role in various operations across diverse sectors, including banking, media, and humanitarian NGOs


  • Travel Management Platform, GAP Guardian - As our world is becoming more uncertain, employers are increasingly held responsible for providing Duty of Care towards their travelling employees and expats. At the same time, no regulations outline employers’ responsibilities, making it difficult to know where to start. Our travel security platform offers a professional, centralised, and automated travel management system that can be customised to the smallest detail, ensuring that it lives up to all organisational and corporate requirements and needs. Our travel management system is designed to help you streamline your business journeys, save time and money, and easily achieve your duty of care.
  • Traveller Tracking - Using Guardian’s tracking and close monitoring solutions, your organisation or company can obtain peace of mind when sending employees to remote or high-risk destinations. All our tracking solutions are linked up with our 24/7/365 manned Operation Centre, which can monitor your ex-pats and travelling employees. Our operators are always available to provide security advice and assistance if an unexpected incident occurs. If necessary, they will activate our crisis responders to quickly manage the matters. Guardian’s tracking solutions provide your ex-pats and travelling employees with an extra layer of security that will improve their ability to navigate through constantly changing and complex risk landscapes.
  • 24/7 Emergency Hotline - Guardian offers different incident response solutions that can ensure that you have an emergency protocol planned, access to our 24/7/365 emergency hotline, and access to an experienced team of emergency responders at our Operation Centre who are always available to help and support you. Whether you need medical attention, get injured, or find yourself in an unsafe environment, you can, with one call to our Operation Centre, get in contact with our experienced security operators, who are ready to help. 
  • First Aid Equipment - Guardian provides high-quality first aid gear to ensure preparation for any emergency situation. We offer a wide range of reliable and effective equipment designed to meet your safety needs.
  • Safety and Security Equipment - Guardian has extensive experience in providing safety and security equipment for staff. For example, we offer high-quality security vests and helmets specifically designed to protect journalists in the field.


  • Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) - This security course equips the participants to plan and carry out travel activities and stays in high and extreme-risk areas. The participants acquire knowledge and get tools to minimise risks and handle any critical incidents. The course primarily targets anyone with travel activity in high and extreme-risk areas. The course is top-rated among journalists, photographers, editors, NGOs, and business travellers.
  • HEAT Refresher - Guardian’s unique HEAT refresher course is specifically designed for individuals travelling to high-risk areas who have previously completed a full HEAT course and hold a valid certificate. Our HEAT refresher course utilizes a blended learning approach. The course's foundation is established through an e-learning component and with an intensive, one-day, in-person training session, ensuring participants are superbly equipped and primed to excel in high-risk environments.
  • Travel Safety Training - This safety course equips the participants to be able to plan and carry out travel activities and stays in medium-risk countries. The course is primarily aimed at anyone with travel activity in medium-risk countries and is popular among private and public organisations and individuals with travel activity.
  • Female Travel Safety Training - This course enables female participants to plan and carry out travel activities and stay in countries where women must pay special attention to their own safety. We offer an inclusive and experience-based course focusing on concrete tools for the female traveller. The course is conducted by experienced female instructors and involves a variety of theories and practical exercises.
  • Advanced First Aid - This course enables the participant to carry out advanced first aid, which enables the treatment and stabilization of the injured for a longer period of time. The course is aimed at individuals and organizations who travel and work in areas where the possibility of professional help and rapid evacuation is reduced. Such as in war-torn countries, desolate areas with longer distances to big cities, and countries with inadequate medical care or increased risk of diseases.
  • E-Learning modules - Our e-learning provides travellers with access to comprehensive information about potential risks, security best practices, and safety measures. This knowledge increases the traveller’s awareness of the security challenges they may encounter during their journey. Travellers learn how to assess and understand the risks concerning travelling as well as how to respond effectively in emergencies. Our E-learning provides insights into the culture and customs of the destination, which can help travellers navigate local environments and avoid cultural misunderstandings that may lead to security issues. Guardian offers a catalogue of pre-made and tested e-learning modules.
  • Crisis Management Exercise - A crisis management exercise is critical for minimising the impact of the crisis and ensuring business continuity. Guardian will design an exercise that will stress and test your ability to handle crises effectively. The training can be provided as tabletop training or as a full-scale, realistic crisis simulation with Guardian role players. The exercise serves as an efficient way to identify possible gaps in the crisis management team and existing procedures.
  • Crisis Management Workshop - Guardian provides rapid response and assistance in crisis management and offers prompt reactions, expertise, and access to additional resources when individuals and organisations face crises. We are very experienced in dealing with kidnapping cases, threats, and any other crisis for organisations. We understand the level of stress you are experiencing, and we support and guide you through the process of dealing with the crisis
  • Crisis Management Training - Crisis management training is the most efficient way to prepare for a crisis. Through a tailored scenario based on the organisation's own crisis management policies, we test the crisis management team’s ability to handle a crisis.
  • Crisis Management Board Game: Turning Point - Turning Point is a crisis management board game developed by Guardian in 2020. The narrative-based game takes you through the journey of managing a fast-moving situation which threatens your organisation. Working together with your team, you will make strategic decisions to protect your company’s reputation and finances. With Turning Point, we have drawn on Guardian’s many years of experience in crisis handling to offer you an innovative and interactive way of familiarising your team with the principles of crisis management. Promoting crisis management knowledge amongst your team via this fun and engaging format will build resilience in your organisation and prime your employees for quicker and more empowered action if a crisis does strike. Our facilitator will ensure that you can take the learning home to improve your crisis management setup.

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